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Colorado Native Plants Online Store
Welcome to the Colorado Native Plants Online Store.  On this page you will find information about the products that are currently available for purchase.  Nursery plants are available for use in your landscape or in containers.  If you are interested in creating a personalized landscape design utilizing native plants please refer to the landscaping page.  
Fringed Sagebrush
Artemisia frigida
Blue Grama Grass
Bouteloua gracilis
Needle and Thread Grass
Hesperostipa comata
Prairie Junegrass
Koeleria macrantha
Western Wheatgrass
Pascopyrum smithii
Sideoats Grama 
Bouteloua curtipendula
Little Bluestem
Schizachyrium scoparium
Nodding Onion
Allium cernuum
Blue Flax has blue to purple flowers which are situated on many slender stems.  .
Life Span: Perennial
Mature Height: 18 Inches
​Mature Width: 12 Inches
Bloom Time: May, June, July
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairie, Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairie, Sandsage Shrubland, Ponderosa Pine Savanna, and Montane Grasslands 

Blue Grama is a grey to green colored warm season grass.  It is a major component of shortgrass prairie plant communities.  It is also attractive during the winter months because of the seed heads.
Life Span: Perennial
Mature Height:  6-12 Inches
Mature Width: 12 Inches 
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairie, Sandsage Shrubland, Foothills and Piedmont Tallgrass Prairie, & Ponderosa Pine Savannas
Fringed Sagebrush is a small perennial shrub.  It has a beautiful silver blue color and a fragrant smell as well.  
Life Span: Perennial
Mature Height: 4-14 Inches
Mature Width: 6-12 Inches
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairie, Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairie, Sandsage Shrubland, Ponderosa Pine Woodland & Savannas, & MP Big Sagebrush Shrublands

Little Bluestem is a perennial grass which will provide interest the entire year.  During the growing season it has a beautiful blue and silver foliage.  In autumn the foliage will turn red for the entire winter and the seeds are attractive as well.
Life Span: Perennial
Mature Height: 18 to 24 Inches
Mature Width: 12 Inches 
Occurs in Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies and Ponderosa Pine Woodland & Savannas
Needle and Thread Grass is a perennial grass.  It develops an interesting inflorescence and awn structures.  The seeds drill themselves into the ground.
Life Span: Perennial
Mature Height: 24 to 36 Inches
Mature Width: 12 Inches
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairie & Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies
Prairie Junegrass is a very attractive perennial grass that develops beautiful seed heads.  When the plant is in bloom it produces silver green flowers.
​Life Span: Perennial
Mature Height: 1-2ft
Mature Width: 1ft
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies, Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies, Sand Sagebrush Shrublands, Ponderosa Pine Savannas, as well as Montane and Subalpine Grasslands.
Side Oats Grama Grass is a perennial grass that has many appealing attributes.  During the growing season the foliage is silver blue.  In mid to late summer tiny red flowers develop.  After flowering the seed heads form on one side (side oats) and provide interest.
Life Span: Perennial
Mature Height: 1-3ft
Mature Width: 1ft
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairie, Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairie, & Sand Sagebrush Shrublands
Western Wheatgrass is a perennial grass with silver blue foliage and interesting seed heads making it a very nice ornamental grass.
Life Span: Perennial
Mature Height: 15-30 Inches
Mature Width: 1ft
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairie, Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairie, Sandsage Shrublands, & Ponderosa Pine Savannas
Nodding Onion is a perennial wildflower and is in the Onion family.  The bulbs are edible and the flowers of this plant are very beautiful.  
Life Span: Perennial
Mature Height: 10-20 Inches
Mature Width: 4-8 Inches
Occurs in Ponderosa Pine Woodland & Savannas as well as Montane and Subalpine Grasslands

Hairy Golden Aster
Heterotheca villosa
Bottlebrush Squirreltail
Elymus elymoides
Panicum virgatum
Sand Bluestem
Andropogon hallii
Dotted Gayfeather
Liatris punctata
Tansy Aster
Machaeranthera canescens
Purple Prairie Clover
Dalea purpurea
Prairie Coneflower
Ratibida columnifera
Showy Milkweed
Ascepias speciosa
Prairie Primrose
Oenothera villosa
Annual Sunflower
Helianthus annuus
White Yarrow
Achillea millefolium
Ericameria nauseosa
Soapweed Yucca
Yucca glauca
White Sagebrush
Artemisia ludoviciana
Sand Sagebrush
Artemisia filifolia
Curly Cup Gumweed  
Grindelia squarrosa
Four Wing Saltbush
Atriplex canescens
Ceratoides lanata
Bottlebrush Squirreltail is a perennial grass that has an attractive seed structure once it has reached maturity.  It is also a great grass to plant to compete against invasive cheatgrass.
Life Span: Perennial
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairie, Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairie, Sand Sagebrush Shrublands, & Ponderosa Pine Woodlands and Savannas
Switchgrass is a tall perennial grass which develops interesting seed heads and the foliage turns red,pink, and orange in the fall and winter.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies and Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies
Winterfat is a perennial shrub with beautiful blue and silver foliage.  The seed heads are fluffy and white and are attractive in the winter.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies and Sand Sagebrush Shrublands.
Sand Bluestem is a tall perennial grass which has a silver blue foliage that turns orange and red in the fall and winter.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies
Blanketflower is a perennial flower with beautiful orange and yellow colors.  
Life Span:
Mature Height:1-2ft.    
Mature Width:1ft.
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies, Sand Sagebrush Shrublands,Foothills and Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies & Ponderosa Pine Woodlands and Savannas
Gayfeather is a perennial flower with purple blooms. It produces a prolific root system that extends ten feet or more into the soil, making it very drought tolerant.  
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies, Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies, Sand Sagebrush Shrublands, and Ponderosa Pine Woodland & Savannas
Prairie Coneflower is a perennial flower with beautiful yellow flowers and an interesting columnar seedhead as well.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies and Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies
White Yarrow is a beautiful flower with fuzzy foliage and is topped with many tiny white blossoms.
Life Span:Perennial
Mature Height:1-2 ft.
Mature Width:1-2 ft.
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies, Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies, Sand Sagebrush Shrublands, and Ponderosa Pine Woodlands & Savannas
Four Wing Saltbush is a perennial shrub that is covered with pink flowers which turn into the four wing seeds that the plant is named for.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies, Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies, and Sand Sagebrush Shrublands
Tansy Aster is an annual flower which produces many beautiful purple blooms.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies, Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies, Sand Sagebrush Shrublands
Hairy Golden Aster is a perennial flower which exhibits a profusion of yellow colored blooms.
Life Span:
Mature Height:1 ft.
Mature Width:1-2ft.
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies, Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies, Sand Sagebrush Shrublands, and Ponderosa Pine Woodlands & Savannas
Annual Sunflower is a common sight in the plains and foothills with its beautiful yellow blooms. 
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies, Sand Sagebrush Shrublands, and Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies
Curly Cup Gumweed sports yellow blooms which are sticky when the blooms are spent.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies,Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies, and Ponderosa Pine Woodland & Savannas
Prairie Primrose is a perennial flower with bright yellow blooms.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies, Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies, and Ponderosa Pine Woodland & Savannas
Soapweed Yucca is a perennial shrub with evergreen foliage and beautiful white flowers.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies, Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies, Sand Sagebrush Shrublands, and Ponderosa Pine Woodlands & Savannas
White Sagebrush is a perennial shrub with whitish grey foliage and a beautiful scent as well.  Used by plains tribes to make smudge sticks  for purity ceremonies.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgass Prairies, Foothills and Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies, Sand Sagebrush Shrublands, and Ponderosa Pine Woodland & Savannas 
Showy Milkweed is a perennial flower with fleshy smooth foliage and vibrant pink blooms.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies, Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies, Sand Sagebrush Shrublands, and Ponderosa Pine Woodland & Savannas
Rabbitbrush is a perennial shrub with silver or green foliage and is covered with bright yellow blooms in the fall.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies, Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies,Sand Sagebrush Shrublands, and Ponderosa Pine Woodlands and Savannas
Purple Prairie Clover is a perennial flower with purple cylindrical blooms and interesting foliage.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies and Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies
Sand Sagebrush is a wonderful perennial shrub with very light and airy silver grey foliage.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies and Sand Sagebrush Shrublands
Field Sagebrush
Artemisia campestris
Field Sagebrush is a perennial shrub with blue gray foliage and also develops interesting seed stalks that turn red in autumn and persist into the winter.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width
Occurs in Shortgrass Prairies, Foothills and Piedmont Tallgrass Prairies, Sand Sagebrush Shrublands, and Ponderosa Pine Woodland & Savannas
To help you select the best plants for your location, click on this link above for Eastern CO Ecosystems to view some of the common plant communities/ecosystems that occur in eastern Colorado. The towns or cities that are located within these plant communities are listed in the description.  Find your town or city (or the one that is nearest to you with a similar elevation) .  Once you find your plant community type (ecosystem), refer back to this page and each plant has the plant community type listed.
Gaillardia aristata
Blue Flax
Linum lewesii
Silvery Lupine
Lupinus argenteus
Silvery Lupine is a perennial flowering plant with beautiful blue spikes of flowers and interesting foliage as well.
Life Span:Perennial
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairie, MP Big Sagebrush Shrublands, and Ponderosa Pine Savannas

Sedum lancolatum

Wyoming Big Sagebrush-Artemisia tridentata v. wyomingensis
Wyoming Big Sagebrush is a beautiful blue grey evergreen shrub with fragrant foliage.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Middle Park Big Sagebrush Shrublands
Stonecrop has beautiful yellow blooms and succulent foliage. It is a low growing plant that forms many clusters of blue green succulent leaves and a twisting reddish stem on which clusters of yellow flowers appear.
Life Span:
Mature Height:
Mature Width:
Occurs in Foothills & Piedmont Tallgrass Prairie, Ponderosa Pine Woodland/Savanna, South Park Montane Grasslands
My plants are best suited for eastern Colorado, east of the continental divide.  I do not use pesticides or any chemicals on any of my plants.  I grow all of my plants from seed as well.  To see some pics of some of the plants I've been growing scroll down. I plan on updating the list with some new plants for 2018 soon, as well as getting some better pics/descriptions on there as well.  Also I should have all of the plants listed available and more for 2018.  If you are interested in native plant seeding check out my Native Plant Landscaping & Seeding Page.